文档介绍:RESEARCH ARTICLE J Bus Mark Manag (2014) 7(2): 329 – 353 URN urn:nbn:de:0114 -jbm - Optimizing employee engagement with internal communication: A social exchange perspective Emma Karanges · Amanda Beatson · Kim Johnston · Ian Lings Abstract: Employee engagement is linked to higher productivity, lower attrition, and anizational reputations resulting in increased focus and resourcing by managers to foster an engaged workforce. While drivers of employee engagement have been identified as perceived support, job characteristics, and value congruence, internal communication is theoretically suggested to be a key influence in both the process and maintenance of employee engagement efforts. However, understanding the mechanisms by which munication inf luences employee engagement has emerged as a key question in the literature. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether social factors, namely perceived support and identification, play a mediating role in the relationship between m unication and engagement. To test the theoretical model, data are collected from 200 non -executive employees using an online self -administered survey. The study applies linear and mediated regression to the model and finds anizations and supervisor s should focus munication efforts toward building greater perceptions of support and stronger identification among employees in order to foster optimal levels of engagement. Keywords: Employee engagement · munication · Identificati on · Perceived support · Social exchange theory · Social identity theory · Workplace relationships Published online: .201 4 ---------------------------------------- ? jbm 20 14 ---------------------------------------- E . Karanges (C) Queensland University of Technology, School of Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations, Brisbane , Australia (applicable to all aut hors) e -mail: e.******@ A. Beatson e -mail: a.******@ K. Johnston e -mail: kim.