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文档介绍:北方民族大学学士学位论文论文题目:年产 2万吨液化石油气装瓶站工艺设计院(部)名称: 化学与化学工程学院学生姓名: 赵仕玲专业: 化学工程与工艺学号:2 103743 指导教师姓名: 靳治良论文提交时间: 201 4年 5月 1日论文答辩时间: 201 4年 5月 10日学位授予时间: 北方民族大学教务处制摘要液化石油气在家用、化工生产、汽车工业等领域有着广泛的应用。炼化厂释放的废气中,含有一定量的 C3 、 C4 组分(丙烷、丁烷、丁烯、异丁烯等) ,过去传统的处理办法是通过火炬燃烧排空,既造成资源浪费,又带来环境污染,为了实现能源的可持续发展,近年来新建厂和老厂都通过新建或技术改造,将 C3 、 C4 回收利用,制得液化气外销,取得一定经济及社会效益。本设计基于炼化厂排放的 C3 、 C4 废气回收利用为目的,以此为原料生产液化石油气。采用压缩冷凝的方法,将炼化厂释放废气中的 C3 、 C4 组分予以液化, 建设年产 1万吨液化石油气生产装置及灌装台站。涉及原料废气预处理、压缩、冷凝、液化气输送、储存、灌装等诸多单元过程。设计深度为初步设计。该工艺流程较短,设备投资较少, 操作运行稳定可靠,产品质量易于控制, 无新增污染物排放,具有较好的经济效益、环境效益、社会效益。设计内容包括:工艺流程设计、物料衡算、热量衡算、分子筛吸附器的设计计算以及生产装置中其他设备的选型计算、安全环保设施等。图纸包括:带控制点工艺流程图、装置平面布置图。关键词: 液化石油气,压缩机,换热器,分子筛,装瓶站 ABSTRACT Liquefied petroleum gas is widely used in household, chemical industry, automobile industry and other fields. Exhaust gas refinery release, C3 、 C4 group contains a certain amount of points (propane, butane, isobutene butene, etc.), the past traditional approach is through the torch burning emptying, not only a waste of resources, but also brings environmental pollution, in order to realize the sustainable development of resources, in recent years, the new plant and old plant through new or technological transformation, C3 、 C4 recycling, prepared with liquefied gas export, and achieved certain economic and social benefits. The design is based on the use of refinery emissions of C3 、 C4 waste gas recovery for the purpose, asa raw material for the production of liquefied petroleum gas. By using the method pression and condensation, the refinery to release C3 、 C4 constituents in exhaust gas tobe liquefied, the construction of an annual output of10000 tons of liquefied petroleum gas production device and filling stations. Involve the raw material gas pretreatment, compression, condensation, liquefied gas transportation, storage, filling and other units. The design depth of the preliminary design . The technological process is short, the equipment investment is less, the operation is stable and reliable, the quality of