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文档介绍:「宗喀巴大师《三主要道》」 The Three Principal Teachings of Buddhism by Je Tsongkhapa 宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切 Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Khyentse Norbu 香港 2013年 2月2日至3日 I am assuming many of you are Buddhist. 我感觉在座的很多都是佛教徒。 Of course, those who have not decided to be Buddhist, then it is not as if you are not ed. 当然,如果不是或还没有决定成为佛教徒的人,你们并不是不被欢迎的。 I am only mentioning this because I may use lots of Buddhist jargon, technical terms which might translators already worrying. 我这样说是因为我可能会使用很多佛教术语,而翻译已经开始担心了。 So for those you have not received Mahāyāna teachings in the past. You might ?nd it a little dry at times. 对于有些没有接受过大乘佛教开示的人,你有时也许会觉得有点枯燥。 But actually, there are a lot of familiar faces I could see. 但事实上,我看到了很多熟悉的面孔。 For most of you, you have heard this billion of times, you are not hearing anything new. 有很多人已经听过千万次了,你根本没有听到新的东西。 But it is very encouraging and touching to see the sight of people like you who wishes to spend your good weekend doing this, rather than going out and shopping and etc. etc. 但令人鼓舞和感动的是好多人宁愿牺牲周末出门或购物等的时间来听这个讲座。 Because the most important possession that we have is the spirit, not material. 因为我们所拥有的最重要的东西是精神而不是物质。 If this spiritual aspect of our life is intact in the healthy, then all the rest are really matter not. I mean, it doesn’t really matter. 如果我们精神方面是健康完整的,那么其他的方面都并不重要。 I say, it is very encouraging to see, you are interested in coming to this kind of event. Because our world, this world, this age, does not treasure the spiritual aspect of our life as much as we should. 看到你们有兴趣参加这样的活动是非常令人鼓舞的。因为这个世界,这个时代,对于人生活中的精神方面已经不再重视了。 And even the so-called the spiritual paths are they themselves prisoned or hijacked by material world. 连所谓的精神道路也被功利的世界所囚禁或骑劫了。 1 But it’s not as if we are not longing for spiritual path. 但这并不说明我们不渴望精神道路。 You may be not a buddhist, or a hindu, or a muslim. But somehow whether you term it as a spiritual path or not, somehow we all consciously or unconsciously pursue some kind of spi


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