文档介绍:高血压住院患者病因及危险因素分析 doi : .1007- 摘要目的: 分析高血压住院患者的病因, 并对可能造成高血压的危险因素进行总结。方法: 采用回顾性研究的方法, 查阅近几年来研究高血压病因及其危险因素的文献,对 2 133 例确诊为高血压的患者进行统计、分析和总结。结果: 2 133 例中,原发性高血压 1 663 例( 78% ) ,继发性高血压 470 例( 22% )。在 470 例继发性高血压患者中, 按照所占比例由高到低依次为:原发性醛固酮增多症( 42% ) 、睡眠呼吸暂停综合征( 20% )、慢性肾小球肾炎( 15% ) 、甲状腺功能亢进( 12% ) 、肾动脉狭窄( 8%) ,甲状腺功能减退、皮质醇增多、嗜铬细胞瘤及大动脉狭窄所占比例比较少,高血压家族史、吸烟、过量饮酒、肥胖、性格急躁、食盐摄入过多都是高血压的危险因素。结论: 分析高血压的危险因素, 应该戒烟、限酒、减少食盐的摄入,控制体重,以降低高血压在人群中的发病率。关键词高血压危险因素病因 Analysis of the causes and risk factors of hypertension in ho spitalized patients Chen Ling , Song Shujun The Hospital of Korla Uygur Medical , Xinjiang 841000 AbstractObjective : To analyse the etiology of hypertension patients , and summarize the possible risk factors for hypertension. Methods : Using the method of retrospective study , consult literature in recent years about the etiology of hypertension and its risk factors , to statistics , analyze and explain the results of 2133 cases with : In 2133 cases , 1663 cases ( 78% ) were primary hypertension , and 470 cases ( 22% ) were secondary 470 cases with secondary hypertension , the proportion from high to low were : Primary aldosteronism ( 42% ), sleep apnea syndrome ( 20% ), chronic glomerulonephritis ( 15% ), hyperthyroidism ( 12% ), renal artery stenosis ( 8%), thyroid function loss , cushing , pheochromocytoma and larg