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文档介绍:技術論文 IEEE mendation Format
Title(タイトルに関する注意): When an IEEE standard covers only a limited range of quantities, such as voltage, current, power, and size, the numerical limits of the ranges covered shall be included in the title.
The use of non-quantitative terms (such as high and low, large and small, wide and narrow) should be avoided. Acronyms and abbreviations should be avoided in titles of standards, except in the case of units of measurement (kV, mm, etc.).
Technologies for Creating Realistic Scenes
in Future Multimedia Systems
Tsuneo puter Information Sciences, Dept. of Digital Media Science
Hosei University
Kajino-cho, Koganei-city
Tokyo 184-8584
voice: [+81](42)387-4554; ******@
Abstracts should be limited to 50-200 words and should concisely state what was done, how it was done, principal results, and their significance. The abstract will appear later in various abstracts journals and should contain the most critical information of the paper.
Abstract 例:
Hardware implementation of various illumination models, -- ., Phong, Cook-Torrance, general BRDF, anisotropic, environment mapping with planar reflection, glare, and soft shadow casting based upon empirical and physical approaches are described. New technologies in this paper eliminate vector normalization by vector representations of mixing polar and orthogonal coordinates, resulting in the ess of simple hardware structures for above models in pure hardware. Every module performs a pixel per single clock cycle, which produces billion pixels per second (at 300MHz chip operation clock) in multiple rendering pipelines. This paper shows the each architecture of above models and piling technologies. These technologies are implemented in a single chip multimedia processor.
KeywordsあるいはIndex Termsはアルファベット順に4-5語あるいは句を記載
Section Heading(章節立て)
Primary Heading
Secondary Headin


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