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文档介绍:Ningbo Yinzhou petition Report 宁波市鄞州新城区城市规划兢图报告书 Draft 9/29/03 Note: All new text is bold. Where text the same as the Cixi report is used, it is not bold. Purpose of Report This report is the submission of petition entry by EDAW, Inc, of the Detail Plans of the Residential Area, Commercial and Business Centers of the South Part of Yinzhou New Urban Area, undertaken for the Yinzhou District Planning Bureau, Ningbo. In accordance with the requirements of petition, this submission is intended to provide a new urban design vision for the core area to achieve the District ’s goals of achieving an attractive residential environment with fine living conditions, first class office space, mercial and cultural centers with a distinct and memorable character. 规划报告的目地本报告由易道公司依据「鄞州新城区南区居住, 商務及商业中心修建详细规划兢图需知」所提交。与兢图需求一致,本报告企图对鄞州新城区及核心区提出一新城市设计愿景, 以达成区域发展目标并建设本区成为拥有最佳居住环境、顶级商務办公、与鲜明文艺中心之都市新诚区。 EDAW ’s professional design team for this important project, composed of urban designers, architects and landscape architects based in New York, San Francisco, and Hong Kong, has created the conceptual urban design vision for the Ningbo South NUA which is offered here. Drawing on the unique character of Ningbo, with its attractive and historic riverfront setting, the team has developed a plan which is tailored to the special opportunities afforded by the site, and the nature of the munity which will gro