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2022尼克 胡哲演讲稿 关于尼克胡哲的演讲稿.docx

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2022尼克 胡哲演讲稿 关于尼克胡哲的演讲稿.docx

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2022尼克 胡哲演讲稿 关于尼克胡哲的演讲稿.docx




第 1 页 共
But when the time comes, I\'ll be able to hold her 我会捧着她的心 I don\'t need hands to hold her 才能拥抱她的心
You know it is scary to know how many girls have eating
It is scary to know how many people are just angry at life 因为家中的困难而对生命不满的人 because of their situation at
And angry at
It\'s scary, to know how many people actually feel like they\'re worth 数目也多得惊人 Every single girl right here right now, 这里每一个女孩子

I want you to know, that you are 你原来就很美丽
You are gorgeous just the way you
And you boys, you\'re the man! 而男孩子们 你们是最棒的 On this DVD, 通过该DVD
I share my experiences in life of how I\'ve overcome challenges 我以亲身的经验 共享如何战胜逆境
and seen a new, fresh perspective in To be thankful, to dream big, and to never give 作远大幻想 永不放弃 I speak to children, youth and adults, 我常常向小孩 青少年和成年人演讲
about key iues and principles that I\'ve applied in my life 共享重要的生命原则和看法
that has given me the strength to conquer all that