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文档介绍:Gmat 考试逻辑试题 90 题 (12)
Questions 85-86
In opposing the 1970 Clean Air Act, the United States overall air pollution.
Unless forced to do so by the government, automakers rarely make changes in automotive technology that is not related to profitability.
87. A survey was recently conducted among ferry passengers on the North Sea. Among the results was this: more of those who had taken anti-seasickness medication before their trip reported symptoms of seasickness than those who had not taken such medication. It is clear, then, that despite claims by drug companies that clinical tests show the contrary, people would be better off not taking anti-seasickness medications.
Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion above?
Given rough enough weather, most ferry passengers will have some symptoms of seasickness.
The clinical tests reported by the drug companies were conducted by the drug companies' staffs.
People who do not take anti-seasickness medication are just as likely to respond to a survey on seasickness as people who do.
The seasickness symptoms of the people who took anti-seasickness medication would have been more severe had
they not taken the medication.
People who have spent money on anti-seasickness medication are less likely to admit symptoms of seasickness than those who have


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