文档介绍:网络首发时间:2022-01-25 07:50:56
网络首发地址:第 卷. 期 中 国 皮 革
mproper treatment will
not only cause great harm to human health and personal safety, but also lead to unnecessary disputes for leather pro⁃
duction and processing enterprises􀆰 Taking the measurement of formaldehyde content in leather products as an exam⁃
ple, the development of formaldehyde detection technology in leather products was studied, and the detection control
points of formaldehyde content in leather products were analyzed and expounded, so as to improve the process safety of
leather products and ensure the production quality of leather products􀆰
Key words
: leather; formaldehyde content; detection control point
引 言 者出现身体器官病变 严重的将诱发使用者出现器官
在皮革制品的生产加工过程中 甲醛是非常重要 癌变等问题 在这种情况下 甲醛在皮革加工中的安
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的化学原料 皮革制品中的鞣剂 固定剂等成分中都 全性受到各界的质疑 皮革的铬鞣技术正持续受到来
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含有大量的甲醛 甲醛可以增加皮革的柔软程度 在 自环境保护和消费观念转变等方面的压力 对于甲醛
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