Let’s say and Let’s sing
教学目标p and girls groups. and show Ss the rules of competition. and tell Ss who can get the top of the ladder and who will be the winner of the competition. 通过分男、女组比赛,设计“分红旗 ”的`竞赛情景,来调动学生的学习激情。
Step2 Warming-up
Sing the song “Hello” by doing some actions. 以flash形式,通过歌曲Hello引入
Step3 Presentation
1. Lead-in
Show out the stuffed animals to say Hello
T:What’s this? Ss: It’s a …
T: Hello, Children Ss: Hello dogcatabbit
2. By CAI, present the new words and new sentences.
a) In this part, T shows some pictures have the students to ask: Hello! What’s your name? Then elicit the new words and new sentences. Teach Ss to read the new words and new sentences.
b) Practice
T and Ss make a dialogue with the new words and new sentences.
C) Role play
T teaches Ss to read the dialogue, then give Ss some time to pair work . Get three or four groups to show time.
1、通过用动物布制玩具引入,让学生运用“Hello! Good morning!”等语言。
教师根据课堂学生学较好学生,可以适当增加英语语句如:Nice to meet you, How are you?等等,拓宽学生知识面。满足不同水平的学生需要
通过图片与动作的配合,再融入TPR教学方法, 可以避免学习过程的单调性,也为接下来的活动环节打好基础。
Step4 Practice
1. Guessing game