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上传人:飞行的优优 2022/2/25 文件大小:20 KB




杜甫,字子美,是京兆人(古都西安(长安)及其附近地区)。他是杜审言的孙子,杜闲的长子。年少的时候贫寒不怎么振作,客居吴越、齐赵之间。李y. During 300 years in Tang Dynasty, many excellent poets and outstanding poetry works sprung up. The Full Collection of Tang Poems, edited by the people in Qing Dynasty, collected
more than 2,300 poets ’ works which is amount to 48,900 poems.
The poems in Tang Dynasty has a large quantity, wide themes and various imagery and styles, generating a plenty of poems combining the thought with art. It is really a golden age
that all flowers bloom together. The poetry of Tang Dynasty is the Chinese poetic masterpiece through the ages.
Nowadays, there are so many poetries of Tang Dynasty
worth reading. We will introduce three great poets as follows.
They are very representative in that they three ’s poems contain Chinese cultural significance, temperament and interest.
The gloomy beauty of Du Fu ’s poetry
The sense of beauty in Du Fu word.

’s poetry is gloomy with one
The cultural tation of Gloom is Confucian Ren which means mercy.
The Confucian Ren is a general human sympathy, human care between each other. Namely, love the public widely, love people. This kind of sympathy and care involved in his poems, forming a kind of unique beauty, that is gloom.
The gloomy poetry of Du Fu is characterized with his


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