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上传人:文秘资料站 2022/2/26 文件大小:38 KB




On August 10, 20XX, my friiting than birthday, this Friday I will give our birthday star li hao yu birthday.
A week before I open a computer, and the plate at a QQ to find a classmate sight in Li Haoyu head up and stay for a while, suddenly a birthday hat on her head is flashing, there are a few days is her birthday, I hurriedly send gifts on the QQ, say hello to date I am worry for what gift.
A few minutes before school open on Wednesday noon, I was around the morning stationery shop, by the way, do you have any suitable gift, I saw two gift fits my intention, one is a blue shell is painted with above the coral, in the middle of the shell has a crystal ball, the ball is to shake the dolphins in some more small patches of falls and is very good; Another blue brush pot, brush pot inscribed with two dolphin, dolphin is a crystal ball is just beside the crystal ball is smaller than a seashell by, because the two are very good, so I want to ask Li Haoyu opinion.
To school, I got her opinion, she is more like a shell that, when I asked her bag to with what color of paper bag, she said and advised me to look at a few color to choose, in the afternoon I told aunt to help me stay on Thursday when I come to buy.
Time flies by, quickly by Friday sunny sunshine is bright, I harden the wind wa


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