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Book report:
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen was born in Stevention,Hampshire,England,on December 16,t also great love for his sister. She removed the prejudice on him. At the right time, Elizabeth received a letter from her parents .It’s said that Laguna was elopement with Wickham,who owes a lot of money.  Elizabeth was very embarrassed to make such a disgrace that Darcy will despise themselves. But to her surprice, Once Darcy know the news, not only helps Wickham to pay off debts,but also gives him a lot of money. Let Wickham get marry with Laguna. Since then, Elizabeth change the prejudice of Darcy to ture love.
Bingelai and Jane after a  series of tribulation,but now go on well each ,Mrs Catherine rushes hurrily,who wants to let her daughter marry tells  Elizabeth not to marry to Darcy. Elizabeth refuses the unreasonable requirement. Darcy matter reached the ears. He knows that Elizabeth has changed her views on he decides to ask her to marry her.  Now, a delay marriage because of the pride and prejudice Perhaps it.
感想:When I finished reading the book, I became feel very gratified and satisfied for the happy ending. Yes, because of their pride and prejudice,it will cause a lot of troublesome. Elizabeth is a warm, lively, but many of the innocent village girl doesn’t know how to avoid rivalry, and doesn’t know how
