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第 2 页 共

  How do you read the big bus in English? mom asked. The son replied, Bus, father is dead. Make everyone laugh and laugh; Class 601 has the most programs: singing, dancing, and plays because they have a little star in their class. In class 301, we sang the little sparrow advice. Lottery is the most makes me nervous, when leading names, from the box, my heart is mentioned throats, wish I could report to his name, but let me down again and again. Christmas will be over before we know it.
  Today, I had an unforgettable Christmas!
  Christmas when I was 5 years old, I learned from the mouth of the partners: Christmas day in the evening, just hang Christmas stockings on the bed and youre asleep, Santa Claus will give you a gift.
  I was so happy that I ran home and asked my mom and dad, mom and dad, today is Christmas. Will Santa bring me a present? The mother smiled and said, silly child, how could it be? Thats just a story. Its all made up. I was so angry. no, youre lying. Thats not a story. Its real. I began to cry.
  In the evening, I did what my companion had said -- put the stockings over the bed and fell