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共 5 页

  3, to do a return to the envoy of Christmas Eve, to tell you peace, to do a Christmas Santa Claus, sent back to you happy; do a dream of love angel, to sow you back to happiness; Can not the gods, to achieve your wish it! Merry Christmas and make a wish now!
  4, in this romantic season, miss, such as crystal snow falling, you are Santa Claus gave me the best gift of life, and you are willing to hold on until the eternal.
  5, through the rain and snow and frost, experienced life ups and downs, because all the way to accompany you, my life on the road so more than a brilliant way; season is approaching, by this message, attached my deepest blessing, the deepest blessing.
  6, in this sacred day, the birth of a rare history of the warmth of the holiday blessing. Only because of special greetings on special days, given to you in particular! Friend: I wish you a happy Christmas!
  7, the occasion of the arrival of Christmas, I only have a word to tell you that today I did not eat breakfast, lunch I did not eat, get off work I went to you.
  8, the most people feel happy is that when you are thinking about someone and someone is thinking about you, jus


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