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东野圭吾英文简介 东野圭吾推理系列.docx

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东野圭吾英文简介 东野圭吾推理系列.docx

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东野圭吾英文简介 东野圭吾推理系列.docx



  February 1958, Osaka Osaka, Japan, Higashino Kyu was born. My family is running a business recession, selling watches, glasses, precious metals and other accessories store. I was the youngest one of the three brothers and sisters. My residence is written by the Eastern jade made, that is the fathers birthplace , My own did not live there. Father to this place to say it is better to listen to as a reason to put my residence to the security here ... ... This birth experience in his only autobiographical essay Dongye Guiwus last compliment in the account.
  A child of the East for their own interest in things, will consider to try and experience. For example, read the interesting comic, will think of their own to draw a.
  Dongye Guiwu has two little sister from the door, his father was a military (Japanese unique sergeant level of the call).
  Dongye Guiwus two sisters later made a stewardess, the other became a teacher, these two identities in the murder scene in the clouds and wave of juvenile detective group in the embodiment.
  Unlike the best-selling book writers in the minds of the reader, Dongye Guiwu has been rented in less than ten square meters of cottage, in his words: the toilet to go outside, the house will be centipede patronize.
  In 1974, Dong Ye graduated from Osaka City Road Primary School and City Tungisano High School, and entered the same city of Osaka Osaka High School. Had never seen the book before he began to contact the novel of this category, so he read a high school students as the protagonist of reasoning novels, think this novel is really interesting, ... ... seems to be able to write their own look. This became the initial opportunity for him to engage in reasoning afterwards.
  Later, Dong Ye admitted to Osaka Prefectural University Department of Engineering electrical enginee


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