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上传人:beny00001 2016/10/20 文件大小:9.39 MB





文档介绍:?? 1 ???????????????????? ????????In the last dozen years, high/new-tech industries in Shenzhen have grown rapidly, and e the ‘pillar industry’ of the city, accounting for nearly half of its GDP. Yet meanwhile, many problems have also arisen, and some of them have long been neglected due to the great achievements of high/new-tech industries. With China’s accession into WTO, and the five-year period of protection closing soon, high/new-tech industries in Shenzhen, and in China as a whole, will directly withstand face the impact of the invasion of their counterparts in European and American advanced countries. As far as Shenzhen is concerned, it also face the threat of the cancellation of various favorable polices. Therefore, it is needed to study the problems with the advancement of high/new-tech industries in Shenzhen, and this paper is just a discussion in this respect and proposes some solutions to the problems identified. This paper consists of five sections. Section one introduces the classification of high/new-tech industries, generalizes about their features, and on this basis, delimits the high/new-tech industries this paper discusses. The term here specifically refers to ‘China’s high/new-tech industries’, . knowledge-intensive industries with a higher density of research and development. It includes, not only the internationally recognized high/new-tech industries such as aeronautic/astronautic manufacturing, computer and office facility manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, munications facility manufacturing, but also such new industries defined in China’s Torch Plan, as biological engineering, software engineering, new materials/energy industry, and marine industry. Section two analyzes the basic tendency of high/new tech industry in China, pointing out that technological innovation has e a decisive factor in enhancing petitiveness of high/new-tech enterprises. It is also observed that high/ new-tech industries worldwide tend to cluster and agg


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