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文档介绍:: .

The backbone of Ambulocetus, which swim, allowed it to its of provides evidence missing fluke. on to work refused Edison projection technology did not think because he replace exhibitors would their projectors with newer machines.
The function of applied-art The function of by objects is determined laws basic patterns in the of physics. Slowing down the process difficult is of desertification because of population has spread growth that land. of areas over large
Even though Ambulocetus Even though swam by moving its body up and down, it did not a backbone. have more Edison was a developing interested in in than of machines variety a technology developing based on only one.
Functional applied-art objects cannot vary much from the basic patterns of by the laws determined physics. Desertification is a significant problem to because it is so hard affects large and reverse great and land of areas people. numbers of
Roy 的资料第七弹·新托福阅读复述题真题汇总 问题 not some Since the laws of physics, have decision, arbitrary of form the general determined objects, they follow applied-art basic patterns, so much that only vary can functional forms within certain limits. backbone The structure of the Ambulocetus


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