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圣诞英语手抄报 英语手抄报.docx

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圣诞英语手抄报 英语手抄报.docx



第 2 页 共 共 6 页

  I would also like to give the children of the orphanage of a child every Santa Claus, but this can only I grew up to be achieved.
  This afternoon, we went to the supermarket. There was Santa Claus at the door in the distribution of candy, of course, that people play. Into the supermarket, there is a very high Christmas tree, covered with bells above, there are flashing lights and so on. There are greeting cards, of course, is a blessing for people.
  Christmas is a celebration of the day, it is worth cheering the day!
  History tells usthat the origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicholas,Bishop of Myra (an area in present day Turkey). One of the legends tellsabout that he acquired a fortune when his parents died while he was still in histeens. By nature was a generous and honest man, particularlydevoted to children. He also cared deeply for the poor. He brought variousgifts, money and other useful items to the houses of the poor. He did this atnight, and in secrecy, so that no one knew, as he wanted no glory, he justwanted to help people. He became widely known for his generosity.

第 3 页 共


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