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1、 考试范围:高考范围。
2、 试题卷启封下发后,如果试题卷有缺页、漏印、重印、损坏或者个别字句印刷模糊不清等情况,应 当立马报告监考老师,否则一切后meters on mostly unpaved roads, but the views are as breathtaking as the riding.
Route of the Hiawatha, Idaho-Montana, United States
Take your family out to Montana this summer and cycle along the most scenic disused railroad in the country.
The railroad turned bike trail turns into 24 kilometers of leisure biking that takes you over seven trestles(高架桥)and
through 10 tunnels, with the longest one, the Taft Tunnel, stretching for kilometers.
In which tour can you enjoy the seaside scenery?
The Great Windy Road.
C. The Karakoram Highway.
What can you do on the Udaipur city tour?
Go to Venice.
C. Visit cultural relics.
Whafs special about the Karakoram Highway?
It is a totally undeveloped route.
C. It owns the longest tunnel in the world.
【答案】 2. C
Udaipr City Tour.
D. Route of the Hiawatha.
Feed wild animals.
D. Enjoy modern architectures.
It goes along an abandoned railway.
D. It lies higher than other international roads.
细节理解题。根据 The Great Windy Road, Victoria, Australia 部分中 If you like a challenge, take on this 243-kilometer windy road along Australia's south-eastern ,如果你喜欢挑战,那就沿着澳大利亚东南 海岸走这条243公里长的风大的路吧。由此可知,The Great Windy Road可以欣赏到海边的风景。故选A。
细节理解题。根据 Udaipur City Tour, Rajasthan, India 部分中 But surrounded by ancient castles, temples and grand palaces, Udaipur brings about one of the best biking experiences, allowing cyclists to truly discover rural India. 可知,但是环绕着古老的城堡、寺庙和宏伟的宫殿,乌代普尔带来了骑自行车的最佳体验之一,让骑自行 车的人真正发现了印度的乡村。由此可知,在乌代布尔城市之旅中你能参观古老的文化遗产。故选C。
细节理解题。根据 The Karakoram Highway, China-Pakistan 部分中 The Karakoram Highway is the highest international road in the world, reaching an altitude of 4,700 meters at the Khunjerab ,Karakoram 公路 是世界上最高的国际公路,在昆杰拉布山口海拔4700米。由此可知,Karakoram公路特别之处在于它比其 他国际公路高。故选D。
When I was three years old, I coul


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