文档介绍:第 15 卷 第 11 期 电 机 与 控 制 学 报 Vol. 15 No. 11
2011 年 11 月 gated for electric vehicles driven by the permanent magnet
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synchronous motor PMSM . A nonlinear dynamics was modeled for the electric vehicle consisting of a
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permanent magnet synchronous motor PMSM and the driveline. According to the characteristics of non-
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linear strong coupling of the system and parameter variations in the actual system a nonlinear adaptive
controller was designed based on the combination of backstepping recursive design and decoupling control
technique. Theoretical analysis shows that the closed-loop system is stable regardless of parameter uncer-
tainties and load disturbance. The simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for
reducing the influence caused by the nonlinear characteristics of system and eliminating errors resulting
from parameter variations and load disturbance to achieve the desired operation performance.
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