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上传人:beny00001 2016/10/22 文件大小:1.87 MB




文档介绍:IIIAbstract The traditional bank credit channel theory of ary policy thinks that Central Bank can affect loan behavior of banks by adjusting the bank reserve, so as to achieve the ary policy goal through the bank loan, which ignores the role of bank capital. Since 1988, "The Basel Accord" has been implemented, every country begins to mercial banks’ capital in order to strengthen mercial banks risk management, capital adequacy ratio has been one of the important indicators for banking supervision. The emergence of capital adequacy ratio divides the entire banking system into high capital adequacy ratio banks, low capital adequacy ratio banks and banks of the former two kinds. Different levels of capital adequacy mercial banks perform differently on bank credit conduction when face ary policy. To further explore the different credit behavior of banks of different capital adequacy ratio on bank credit conduction and the bank credit conduction effect in these three bank system. At first, the paper introduces relevant provisions on capital adequacy ratio in the new and old "Basel Accord" and reviews bank credit channels theory from the point of capital adequacy ratio, in which we point out that capital adequacy ratio is a significant factor on constraining bank credit conduction. Then the paper apply model to analyze the credit behavior in bank credit conduction of banks of different capital adequacy ratio and further analysis is made for the bank credit conduction effectiveness in those three bank systems, through this analysis we conclude that it performs the best when the whole bank system posed of high capital adequacy ratio banks, the worst when the whole bank system posed of low capital adequacy ratio banks and that banks of low capital adequacy ratio have significant negative effect on bank credit conduction when the former two banks co-exist. Then the paper analyze capital adequacy ratio of the whole bank system since 1998. The bank credit conduction is block


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