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文档介绍:’s the author’s idea of “saying the right things”? does an employer do to make employees take in their layoff? is handling layoffs on a Tuesday or Wednesday goo for employees??1. Be direct in telling people pany can no longer employ them and explain in detail the financial hardship causing the need for layoffs. At the same time, refrain from talking about other employees’ situations. ?2. The employer can present laid-off employees with written materials explaining the terms of their layoff, including any severance or other benefits they qualify for.?3. People can immediately do something about their job situation, such as contact a career counselor or prospective employer. Otherwise , they may just spend the weekend ruminating over the bad news.?If You Fire People, Don’t Be a Jerk About ItStructure AnalysisPart I Introduction The author takes Mark Eckley’s experience as an example to lead in some suggestions on how bosses can fire people in a proper II Say the right things? direct in telling people that they are fired and telling them the reasons in detail---it is not their fault.? from talking about other employees’ situations , which could raise question of fairness.? them time to react .In addition , show sympathy and regret for the III Help them move on ? a list of possible resources ?-gives everybody a chance to & Wednesday-can immediately do something about their job IV Allow for transtion? them some time---even a few weeks---to announce their departure to colleagues and plan their next move.? Paul Silvis’s experience as an example to show us the importance of letting them leave with self-esteem


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