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文档介绍:UNIT English: A Reading CourseBACKGROUND INFORMATION?I. Fireside Chat: 炉边谈话?II. Story-telling types for leaders1. Who am I?2. Who are we?3. Where are we going??III. 作为企业领导人:?1. 提高管理能力;?2. 学会讲故事。WARM-UP QUESTIONS1. During difficult times, a leader is supposed to encourage his or her people to pull through. This requires one to have some charisma. What can be the effective methods which can call forth people’s spontaneous enthusiasm and co-operation2. Why can storytelling be used as an effective method to anizational bonds in a corporation?Business English: A Reading CourseREADING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING Question:How can we guess word meaning according to the context?Definition; Synonym; Antonym; Example; Causal relationship; Experience mon sense. Business English: A Reading CourseREADING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 1. Definition 定义clues:“*** is/are ***.” . A carrel is a small table with “walls” around three sides. The word “diminish”means decrease. 2. Synonym clues :同义词3. Antonym clues :反义词Business English: A Reading CourseREADING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 4. Example举例clues: 5. Causal relationship因果关系clues:6. Experience mon sense经验或常识clues:7. Explanation after punctuation ma (,), dash (—), within parentheses ((…)):标点符号8. Semantic relationships: 语义关系 7-8见泛读教程1- English: A Reading CourseQuestions:1. What made the first Fireside Chat a hit? 2. Which point was emphasized both in Roosevelt’s inaugural address and his first Fireside Chat? 3. For what did Jim Farley, a top political advisor, think that the first Fireside Chat may have been the greatest speech by an American president? Business English: A Reading CourseTEXT A:VOICE OF COURAGETEXT A:VOICE OF COURAGENotes on the Text:1. Fireside Chat: 炉边谈话是美国总统罗斯福利用大众传播手段进行政治性公关活动的事例之一。20世纪30年代,美国经济处于大萧条时期。罗斯福的前任总统胡佛,