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上传人:圭圭 2022/3/5 文件大小:32 KB





第 2 页 共 h degree of cooperation spirit.
  Handsome, handsome, suave romantic, jade tree, learn five cars, tall and mighty, with millions of fans, fans, I am a man of the world, Thousands of thousands of girls, known as a pear pressure Begonia Jade noodles small white dragon, Shuai to fall off!
  I have no merits The only advantage is that there is no shortcomings I basically all the shortcomings of the biggest drawback is that only the advantages if the handsome is a sin, I have criminals heinous; If there is a type of error, I have a mistake again; If I am humble, I will be tortured, and I will be able to escape too?

  I side 23, handsome Xiao wine. Seven-year-old Xuewen, nine-year-old martial arts, 12-year-old girl will be, on the known astronomical geography, the next trivial, every walk outside, often cited beautiful back, handsome jumping, kind-hearted and helpful. Elementary school language teacher to explain handsome meaning, I puzzled the same table secretly handed a small mirror. I have a photo. Oh. An instant to understand. . . It is said that when I was born, the sky north, there is a


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