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英文促销广告语大全 圣诞促销英文广告语.docx

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英文促销广告语大全 圣诞促销英文广告语.docx

上传人:森森 2022/3/5 文件大小:31 KB


英文促销广告语大全 圣诞促销英文广告语.docx



第 2 页 共

  14 years of Christmas activities to buy heavy temperature
   Happy New Year recipes gifts gifts
  16. Hand about the romantic, hand ** phone
  1. Christmas (New Year) Joy line, Jin Li big run
  2. Special gift to the special you
  3. A shopping mall to send gift, Christmas carnival surprises
  4. New generation, new choice!
  5. Peace is a blessing fruit color incense
  6. Christmas crazy grab clothing Competition
  7. (mall name) Give you a wish
  8. Gorgeous Christmas Rhapsody song, to celebrate the New Year gift
  9. Mobile phone, Christmas gift
  10. Christmas gifts every day to send
  11. Green tea over the New Year, health with life.
  12. Christmas, send joy
  13. mad storm purchase, Christmas New Years Day pre-emptive

  14. You had green tea when you were in the New Year.
  15. Four Seas Xiangyun blessing to the New Year to send non-stop Hao Li


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