文档介绍:% oj国te文辅导网 于岫岫岫峋m 路基论文施工质量控制论文:以路基施工质量控制保障公路
摘要:公路路基施工质量是保障公路整体施工质量的关 键、是影响公路使用寿命的重要因素。随着我国公路运输网 络的不断完善,[j].公路建设 与施工,2009, 12.
的应用[j] .公路与桥涵,2009, 10.
——公路工程质量控制 的重点[j] .路桥资讯,2009, 12.
量□].道路施工监理,2009, 5.
Then how can we translate poems? According to Wang's understanding, the translation of poems is related to three aspects: A poem's meaning, poetic art and language.
A poem's meaning
"Socio-cultural differences are formidable enough, but the matter is made much more complex when one realizes that meaning does not consist in the meaning of words only, but also in syntactical structures, speech rhythms, levels of style." (Wang, 1991:93).
Poetic art
According to Wang, "Bly's point about the "marvelous translation5 being made possible in the United States only after Whitman, Pound and Williams Carlos Williams composed poetry in speech rhythms shows what may be gained when there is a genuine revolution in poetic art.,, (Wang, 1991:93).
"Sometimes language stays static and sometimes language stays active. When language is active, it is beneficial to translation,, "This would require this kind of intimate understanding, on the part of the translator, of its genius, its idiosyncrasies, its past and present, what it can do and what it choose not to do." (Wang, 1