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美国总统选举2022英文 2022美国大选英文新闻:杰布·布什宣布退出美国2022总统竞选 Republican presidential sent to the area as locals brace themselves for another hot, dryday. There have been no reports of injuries, but some 16-thousand buildings have been destroyedin the blaze. 2022美国大选英文新闻:美国日渐壮大亚裔社区或对总统大选产生影 响 Burmese refugee Ma Zin settled in the town of , Indiana, in 2022, after years fleeingfrom Myanmar"s oppressive ruling military junta. Twelve years later she"s still working on her English skills, but that hasn"t stopped her frombecoming a citizen, a responsibility she cherishes. “Because we"ve become a citizen of America, it is important that we select a president, becauseas a citizen we would like to know what a president can do for us.” The 2022 presidential election is Zin"s first experience participating in a democraticprocess to choose a leader, a path she is on at the same time democratic reforms are takinghold in her home country of Myanmar. The two are not unrelated to Zin. “Hillary Clinton and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi both have a relationship for changing and bringingBurma"s democratization. That is one of the reasons why I would like to see Hillary become president.” While Zin waits to cast her first ballot, this isn"t her first opportunity to participate in a Although eligible since 2022, she did not register to vote in the last two presidential


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