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国际象棋-谢军 650字.doc

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国际象棋-谢军 650字.doc

上传人:彩凤w 2022/3/11 文件大小:12 KB


国际象棋-谢军 650字.doc


In 1991, Xie Jun became the first woman chess champion from Asia. There are many reasons for her suc国际象棋-谢军_650字
In 1991, Xie Jun became the first woman chess champion from Asia. There are many reasons for her success, but one of the most important is her mother’s respect for her choice.
At 12, Xie Jun had to choose between joining a professional chess team and going to college. Her mother had a talk with her and found her daughter liked playing chess. She said, “You have made up your mind, but you should remember you will take your work seriously from now on because it is yourself who chooses to play chess.”
Years have gone by, but Xie Jun remembers these words very well.