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ection of the proportion of ng electrode is only %.
  4. Training and guidance of new work to help new people understand the electrode design specifications, master the electrode design process, so that new people faster into working condition.
  5. Eliminate a number of major security risks, to avoid the occurrence of abnormal.
  6. Actively communicate with the site to optimize the design and processing programs to reduce unnecessary work hours, effectively improve the design and processing efficiency.

  7. Annual attendance zero anomaly, zero late, zero early leave, zero leave.
  8. Update / produce electrode design copy materials, to facilitate the timely sharing of information
  9. The production of video courseware for easy visual communication.
  10. Write technical briefings, service teams, and jointly improve.  个人绩效考核英文自我评价篇二
  First, the practical work attitude:
  Over the past year, I insist on practical work, hard working, consciously safeguard the companys corporate image, properly do their jobs, try to avoid any flaws in the work.
  Administrative clerks are the nature of the work of the service, and more complicated.
  (1) every day I do a good job in the service work to ensure that the business department, document department, shipping department, finance department and the design department of the normal work.
  (2) the clerks daily work is more trivial, need careful, cautious, and not negligence, but can not be sloppy.

  (3) under the guidance of the


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