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过量饮酒(Excessive Drinking) 500字.doc

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过量饮酒(Excessive Drinking) 500字.doc

上传人:qvuv398013 2022/3/15 文件大小:12 KB


过量饮酒(Excessive Drinking) 500字.doc


文档介绍:过量饮酒(Excessive Drinking)_500字
Everybody knows drinking a little is good to health, but excessive drinking is (Excessive Drinking)_500字
Everybody knows drinking a little is good to health, but excessive drinking is bad. Those who drink too much may not live long. Excessive drinking may cause many diseases, such as high blood pressure and heart attack.
Drinking too much can also result in a series of family problems and social problems, such as the break up of a family and social crimes. If everyone can keep control over drinking, we can enjoy a more peaceful social environment.