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上传人:香菱 2022/3/16 文件大小:8.03 MB




文档介绍:第 42 卷 第 13 期 食品工业科技 Vol. 42 No. 13erifying konjac glucomannan (KGM) with 3-chloro-
2-hydroxypropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (HAT). The effects of reaction temperature, reaction time, and the amounts
of NaOH and HAT on the zeta potential of CKGM were studied. Meanwhile, the functional properties of the resultant
CKGM and its electrostatic interaction with soybean protein isolate (SPI) were investigated as well. The results indicated
that the zeta potential of CKGM reached the maximum of mV when the reaction temperature was 55 ℃, the reaction
time was h, the NaOH to KGM mass ratio was 2:1, and the HAT to KGM mass ratio was 2:1. Compared with native
KGM, the solubility and emulsification ability of CKGM were significantly improved and their maximum values of %
and % occurred in CKGMs of zeta potential mV and mV respectively. FTIR analysis confirmed that the -CN
group was successfully introduced into KGM under the optimized conditions, and SEM observation revealed that the
modification reduced the size and wrinkle the surface of the CKGM particles. CKGM could associate with SPI through
electrostatic interaction and the greatest interaction occurred in CKGM with zeta potential mV. Therefore, CKGM