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HPLC UV ELSD法同时测定防风通圣丸中8种成分.pdf

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HPLC UV ELSD法同时测定防风通圣丸中8种成分.pdf

上传人:学习一点新的东西 2022/3/18 文件大小:1.29 MB


HPLC UV ELSD法同时测定防风通圣丸中8种成分.pdf


文档介绍:2022 年 1 月 中 成 药 January 2022
第 44 卷 第 1 期 Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills ( Chuanxiong Rhizoma,Platycodonis Radix,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,
etc.) . METHODS The analysis of 80% methanol extract of this drug was performed on a 25 ℃ thermostatic
Venusil MP C18 column ( 250 mm×4. 6 mm,5 μm) ,with the mobile phase comprising of acetonitrile-0. 1%acetic
acid flowing at 1. 0 mL /min in a gradient elution manner,the detection wavelength was set at 260 nm,the drift
tube temperature of ELSD was 90 ℃ ,the volumetric flow rate of atomizing airflow was 2. 5 mL /min,and the
atomizing temperature was 36 ℃ . RESULTS Eight constituents showed good linear relationships within their own
ranges ( r ≥ 0. 999 5) ,whose average recoveries were 99. 35% - 99. 60% with the RSDs of 0. 52% - 1. 31%.
CONCLUSION This accurate,sensitive and reproducible method can be used for the quality control of Fangfeng
Tongsheng Pills.
KEY WORDS: Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills; chemical constituents; HPLC-UV-ELSD
收稿日期: 2021-06-07
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 81773892) ; 河南中医药大学科研苗圃工程项目 ( MP2020-68)
作者简介: 赵 迪 ( 1986—) ,女,硕士,实验师,从事中药质量分析与新药研究。E-mail: zhaodiabcd@ sina.com
* 通信作者: 冯素香 ( 1971—) ,女,博士,教授,从事中药质量分析与新药研究。E-mail: fengsx221@ 163.com
382022 年 1 月 中 成 药