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文档介绍:中 文 摘 要 休闲价值观是指被个体或群体赋予了社会或
在理论探讨和哲学思f college students ’ values as well as investigation on present situation about college students ’ leisure participation and leisure satisfaction. The second part explored relationships among leisure valuesleisure participation and leisure satisfaction
leisure values and leisure participation as well as impacting model. In the first part on the basis of open questionnaire expert panel discussion and literature retrieval developed preliminary questionnaire of college students
’ leisure values formal questionnaire were constructed after testing its reliability and validity. This questionnaire is composed of three dimensions: leisure cognition leisure emotion and leisure intension of participation. Taking 800 college students aged from 18 to 24 as subjects investigated present situation of their leisure values as well as leisure satisfaction and leisure participation meanwhile making difference of examination on demographic variables. In the second part Pearson correlation and Canonical correlation were applied to analyze relationships among leisure values leisure participation and leisure satisfaction The method of Regression analysis and Structural equation model is used to explore and test mediator effects of leisure satisfaction on leisure values and leisure participation as well as impacting model. Conclusions
be measured from three aspects: leisure cognition leisure emotion and leisure intension of participation.
2 Developed questionnaire of college students ’ leisure values meet criterion of statistics it can be measuring tool of College students leisure values after further revising and completion. 3 Contemporary college students ’ leisure values are towards positive state.
There were significant difference in leisure values and its dimensions between male students and female students former have higher scores than latter in
leisure val


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