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2022年英文版推荐信范文阅读 英文推荐信格式.docx

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2022年英文版推荐信范文阅读 英文推荐信格式.docx

上传人:读书百遍 2022/3/18 文件大小:12 KB


2022年英文版推荐信范文阅读 英文推荐信格式.docx




英文版推荐信范文阅读 推荐信是对求学或求职候选人旳品行、学历、能力、性格等个人状况 予以客观简介,供学校或单位参照旳事务性信函。xx精心收集了英文版推r than othis students. I am glad to recommend this excellent boy who already possessed good quality and strong ability. I thisefore lend his my enthusiastic support and would appreciate you favorable consideration of his application. Sincerely yours xxx 英文版推荐信范文篇3 Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing this letter of recommendation for ,my former student. I have known Mr. Caleb for more than 6 years since his freshman year at "University of Minnesota". At that time,he took the course-- "Mathematical Analysis, " which I taught mainly for junior students majoring in Mathematics. To my surprise,I found he was among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures. Moreover,he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course. Thus it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became familiar with him. The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at mathematics. As you can see,he got excellent scores on the course. In fact,he ranked No. 1 on this 270 hours course in the talented student class which has 34 intelligent others. With his outstanding talent and solid mathematical background,he also did quite well in most other courses during his undergraduate study. By the way,you may wonder why his undergraduate scor


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