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上传人:读书之乐 2022/3/19 文件大小:12 KB





高中英语作文保护野生动物 英语作文保护野生动物篇1 Today, I want to tell you: to protect the have fallen, and only the white rabbit was surrounded in the middle, it reflects the express, Quickly hid in the bushes. White Rabbit Cry not timed, they heard the dialogue between the two hunters: "Brother, today harvest a lot of Well, you see, and caught four animals, and unfortunately, let the little rabbit to slip away." Another Said: "We have today caught a total of 10 squirrels, five foxes, a bear, six goats, eight pheasants, and five hares, take these to sell, certainly worth a lot of money. White rabbit heard, angrily said to himself: "human really unreasonable, so you rush to kill, let us how to survive it No, I have to inform other animals to move quickly." Little rabbit all the way to escape, finally come To the door of the wolf, I saw the door open, but did not see Mr. Wolf, the ground there are some blood, it knows the wolf was also this time, the white rabbit a loss, it sadly cried and said: "Now, some animals have been extinct, you destroy the ecological balance, in fact, shorten their lives." At this time, a Little angel came to the white rabbit side, she comforted the white rabbit said: "small rabbit, please do not be sad, and now the state has been intensified, forbidding people to kill wild animals, and in many forest areas established nat


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