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文档介绍:Chinese Tea Culture Chinese Tea Culture ? Introduction ? China, the Hometown of Tea ? The Importance of Tea in People ’ s Daily Life ? Classification of Tea ? Tea and Health ? Tea Custom ? Tea Ceremonies Gongfu Tea ? Tea and Chinese Culture ? Tea Service Master ? Tea utensils Introduction ? Tea ( 茶) commonly denotes the drink made from steeping( 浸泡) the processed leaves, buds (芽) , or twigs (枝) of the tea bush (Camellia sinensis 茶树) in water. ? Only the top 1-2 inches of the mature plant are picked. These buds and leaves are called flushes( 嫩芽) . A plant will grow a new flush every seven to fifteen days during the growing season, and leaves that are slow in development always produce better flavored teas. ? Of the three major beverages of the world-- tea, coffee and cocoa-- tea is consumed by the largest number of people in the world. It has a cooling, slightly bitter, astringent flavor (涩味) which many enjoy. Introduction ? Chinese tea culture refers to the methods of preparation of tea,the equipment used to make tea and the occasions in which tea is consumed in China. The terms chayi "Art of Tea 茶艺" and "Tea Ceremony" have been used, but the term "Tea Culture 茶文化" includes more than just the ceremony. Also "culture" is easier to translate into English from the Chinese term "art 艺". ? Tea culture in China differs from that of Europe, Britain or Japan in such things as preparation methods, tasting methods and the occasions for which it is consumed. Even now, in both casual and formal Chinese occasions, tea is consumed regularly. In addition to being a drink, Chinese tea is used in Traditional Chinese medicine and in Chinese cuisine. China, the Hometown of Tea ? It is universally acknowledged that China is the original tea-growing area, as well as the first country to grow, produce and drink tea. The Discovery of Tea The History of tea in China The Discovery of Tea ? According to legend, in 2737 BC, Emperor SHEN NUNG a