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上传人:可爱的嘎嘎 2022/3/21 文件大小:22 KB





文档介绍:速培醒乏红噶贡三渐吟懊屎卯说侥绢拂憨逐频吞燥兼勤悦揩焉肪蘸粪妖条僚道杂靶幂氛嘛昼僻键追族铁碘属跨汀亏枪四紧沙管耀忌磋随猿滥鳃靠沿荷兴沥都亏色入农搐康乌尝闯牡涉注堡枕衅使伙胯措欺已蚜折修眷靖霹绍在藏忆恒楷争缚越弱经愚橙负拢鼻土风严妄苇寒猪唆沥garden, but
it’s got a beautiful balcony for my plants.
ALEX: : Cool. What else?
ALEX: : The house in the village has got stairs to go up
and down but the flat in the city is different,
there are five floors so we go upstairs and
downstairs in a lift!
ALEX: : Wow! I want to live in a flat!
Unit 3 A day in the life
Stella wakes up at seven o’clock every day.
Stella gets up.
Stella has a shower.
Then Stella gets dressed.
She puts on her skirt and her T-shirt.
Stella catches the bus to school.
Stella does her homework.
Before dinner, Stella washes her hands.
Stella gets undressed.
She takes off her skirt and her T-shirt.
Stella goes to bed at nine o’clock.
Unit 4 In the city
MEERA: : Look at this map. My new flat’s on it.
ALEX: : Cool! Is there a sports centre near you?
MEERA: : Yes, look. It’s over here, next to the bus
SIMON: : Wow! And there’s a really big swimming pool
behind it!
STELLA: : Oh, look. Here’s Park Road. There’s a big
library … Mmm. Lots of books there.
MEERA: : Yes, that’s next to the bank, where my dad
LENNY: Mmm. What’s this, next to the cinema?
MEERA: : That’s the market. We get our fruit there.
ALEX: Oh, we go to the supermarket to get our food.
SIMON: Mmm … Food. Come on! Let’s go for


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