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功夫熊猫 观后感.docx

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功夫熊猫 观后感.docx

上传人:wawa 2022/3/23 文件大小:30 KB


功夫熊猫 观后感.docx




g fu and now serves as the spiritual adviser (Yoda) to an elite squad, including a kung fu master, the mustachioed red panda Shifu (Dustin Hoffman), and his students, the Furious Five: Tigre (Angelina Jolie), Viper (Lucy Liu), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Crane (David Cro) and Mantis (Seth Rogen).

The screenplay by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger is ho-hum without being insulting, a grab bag of gentle jokes, sage lectures, helpful leons and kicky is none of the self-conscious knowing that characterizes the Pixar factory, which makes the whole thing seem either winningly innocent or terribly cynical, depending on your mood and ’ll go with innocent, at least on first viewing, because while “Kung Fu Panda” is certainly very safe, its underlying sweetne feels more genuine than Ayn Randesque bottom line of Pixar’s “Incredibles” can be difficult to argue with — namely, if everybody is special, no one is — but the heroic outsider has his own durable appeal, particularly if he’s a great big bouncing ball of fat and fuzz.