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英文自我介绍 简单英语自我介绍.docx

上传人:haha 2022/3/25 文件大小:30 KB


英文自我介绍 简单英语自我介绍.docx



rtation scheduling is now widely used by different research groups in 1998, I aumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment was my first practice to conv ert a laboratory idea to a commercial 1999, I joined the distinguished Profeor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Netw ork flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm I was engaged in the Fu Dan Gene Database duty was to pick up the useful information among differe nt kinds of gene matching the comparison and analysis for many heuristi c algorithms, I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm -- Multi-population dividing a whole population into several sub-populations, this improved alg orithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionar y proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, the second se mester, I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre e scheduling was designed for the rubber-making proce that covered not only discrete bu t also continuous make a balance point between optimization quality an d time cos

dividing a whole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, the second semester, I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre scheduling was designed for the rubber-making proce that covered not only discrete but also continuous make a b


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