文档介绍:The SAT.
Maketime totake thepractice test.
It'soneofthe best waysto get ready
fortount them off, one by one, onthe fingers
tablesfortwo along thewalls andtables forfour ofhis left hand, thewaitress, whosename was Irma,
Linedown the middle. Thedecoration wasart moderne, thoughthewas through eating andtried totake his
sexcept forthe series ofmurals depicting thefour plateaway. Hestopped Metternich (his
seasons,andthe sick ferns inthe front window. rightthumb) presided overthe Congress, and
Lymiesat down at the second table from the cash 40Prince Talleyrand (theindex finger) represented
register,andordered hisdinner. Thehistory book, France.
whichhepropped against thecatsup andthe glass A partyoffour, twomen and two women, came
10sugar bowl, had been used by others before him. intothe restaurant, alltalking at once, and took
Blankpages front andback were filled inwith maps, possessionofthe center table nearest Lymie.
drawings,dates,comic cartoons, andorgans ofthe 45The women had shingled hairand short tight skirts
body;also with names and messages nolonger clear whichexposed theunderside oftheir knees when
andnever absolutely nearly every other theysat down. One of the women had the face ofa
75page there wassome marginal notation, eitherin ink youngboy but disguised byone trick oranother
orin very hard pencil. Andunless someone had (rouge,lipstick, powder,wet bangs plastered against
upsetaglass ofwater, themarks onpage 177 were sothe high forehead, anda