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Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jenniic activity management through controlling a tree-like structure, allocating design resources and making decisions about how to carry out a design project. Its
functioning paradigm varies in differe nt projects depending on the project’ s scale and
purpose. As a result of this structure, TMS can separate its data model from its logic could bring about structure optimization and efficiency improvement, especially in a large scale project.
2 Task Management in Net-Based Collaborative Design Environment
Evolution of the Design Environment
During a net-based collaborative design process, designers transform their working environment from a single PC desktop to LAN, and even extend to WAN. Each design partner can be a single expert or a combination of many teams of several subjects, even if they are far away from each other geographically. In the net-based collaborative design environment, people from every terminal of the net can exchange their information interactively with each other and send data to authorized roles via their design tools. The Co Design Space is such an environment which provides a set of these tools to help design partners communicate and obtain design information. Code sign Space aims at improving the efficiency of collaborative work, making enterprises increase its sensitivity to markets and optimize the configuration of resource.
Management of Resources and Activities in Net-Based Collaborative Environment
The expansion of design environment also caused a new problem of how to organize the resources and design activities in that environment. As the number of design partners increases, resources also increase in direct proportion. But relations between resources increase in square ratio. To organize these resources and their relations needs an integrated management system which can recognize