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官厅水库上游区域面源型氮磷污染特征 徐雅.pdf

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官厅水库上游区域面源型氮磷污染特征 徐雅.pdf

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官厅水库上游区域面源型氮磷污染特征 徐雅.pdf



文档介绍:第 卷 第 期 安全与环境工程
29   2 racteristics of non-point source pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus in the upper reaches of
Guanting Reservoir by investigating the nitrogen and phosphorus content of representative surface water/
sediment in the upper reaches of Guanting Reservoir and rainfall experiments simulating surface runoff in
two typical plots.The results show that the nitrogen/phosphorus content in most of the surface water in
the upper reaches of the reservoir is higher than the standard limits of V water quality(GB 3838—2002)in
Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water,and the surface runoff is the main source of nitro-
gen and phosphorus pollution in the water;during rainfall,nitrogen can be easily released from soil and mi-
grates further with water flow,while phosphorus is easy to be adsorbed by clay minerals in soil and is per-
meated vertically with rainfall.In addition,different soil types and their properties determine the migration
characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil.The study can provide scientific basis for the control and
management of nitrogen and phosphorus non-point source pollution of the upper reaches of Guanting Res-
Key words:nitrogen and phosphorus;non-point source pollution;rainfall;direct surface runoff;migration


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