⊙He is just a whipping boy in this accident.——在这次事故中他只是替罪羊。 whipping boy最初指的是,封建时代,为王子或贵族伴读的男孩,因为王子或贵族做错了事而代为受鞭打。如今,大多只运用它的譬如意:充当替罪羊的人或物,代人受过。这个短语在实际生活中用的许多。 再如:Were very much a whipping boy in the academic
community. 我们实在只是学术圈里的替罪羊。
⊙Mary has my full confidence.——我完全信任玛丽。
名词confidence有两个主要的意思:对自己的信念,自信〔A feeling of assurance,
especially of self-assurance.〕;对别人的信念,信任〔Trust or faith in a person or thing.〕。这句中运用的是后一种含义。 再如,I have every confidence in your ability to succeed. 我绝不疑心你取得胜利的实力。
⊙Ill lay my hands on him sooner or later.——我迟早要整理他。
词组lay ones hands on,找到,攻击。例句:Hes gone with the keys again, just wait till I lay my hands on him. 他又把钥匙拿走了,等我整理他。
⊙I have to tighten my belt this month.——这个月我不得不勒紧裤腰带过日子。
其实中文中也始终有这个说法,形容经济拮据,手头不富裕,须要节衣缩食度日。再如:The harvest was bad last year, they all had to tighten their belts. 去年收成不好,他们都不得不节衣缩食。
⊙Its no skin off my nose.——那不关我的事。
一个俚语,skin off ones nose,和某人无关。我们口语中还经常遇到另外两个表示与某人无关的句子:Its not my business. 或是:It has nothing to do with me.
⊙Do we have an accord?——我们达成共识了吗?
名词accord,英文的说明是“Agreement; a settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions.”即,相同,协定,共识。因此,I am in accord with your opinion就等于I agree with you。
⊙I have racked my brain.——我已经绞尽了脑汁。
词组rack ones brain,英文的说明是to cause great mental suffering,to torture brain by means of the rack.,即,用完心思去思索事情,太专心了,好象饱受精神上的熬煎。用汉语中的“费尽心机”来形容正好。
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