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高中英语虚拟语气课件 人教版 课件.ppt

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高中英语虚拟语气课件 人教版 课件.ppt


文档介绍:Subjunctive Mood
, 陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。
2. 定义:用来表示说的话不是事实,或者是不可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望,建议,假设的语气叫虚拟语气。
一、虚拟语气在条件状语从 that you went.
It’s high time that you were going.
It’s high time that you should go.
It’s time that we went to bed.
It’s time that we should go to bed.
6. 表示要求,命令,建议的虚拟语气。
两个命令:order, command
三个建议:advise, suggest, propose
四个要求:demand , require, request, desire
这些动词后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气用法。即从句中的动词 使用should + 动词原形,或者将should省略。
我们建议Tom 去休息一下。
We suggested that Tom have a rest.
He insisted that I (should )be present.
The king ordered that the prisoners be killed the next day.
They requested that we (should) send them to work there.
order, advice, suggestion, proposal, demand, request, desire
It’s suggested that the plan be carried out.
My demand is that she should come to see me once a week.
All of us are for the advice that the chemical factory should be closed down.
7. If only …要是就好了
If only I knew his name!
If only we had followed your advice!
If only I could see him again!
If only our parents could live with us!
If only I hadn’t missed the train!
8. It’s necessary /strange/ natural/ important + that--- 从句中的动词要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形
It is important that we ( should ) master a foreign language.
It is strange that she refuse to come to the party.
It’s necessary that we should study hard.
9. 某些简单句的固定句型:
Heaven help him!
God bless you!
May you succeed!
Long live the People’s Republic of China!
三: 虚拟语气假设条件句型注意点:
If the weather had been finer, the crops would be growing still better.
If you had followed the teacher’s advice, you wouldn’t be in the hospital.
。 条件从句中有should, were, had三个助动词可以把if省略,并将这三个词提至句首。
If I were you, I would give it up.
Were I you, I would give it up.