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— the popular American sitcom, FRIENDS
Friends is an American sitcom which premiered on NBause of the social cultural background, ways of thinking, and other aspects of the difference between western and Chinese friends and friendship to the understanding and expression way have many differences.
If in the intercultural communication does not value or ignoring this difference, will be equal to understand them, it is possible to bring communication difficulties, cause both parties in communication misunderstandings.
JinYong talked about Chinese to good friends as brothers, through righteousness "gold orchid this way and YiXing friends become sworn brother, and vowed:" not the same birthday, I wish the same year on the same day to death."
Jin yong said: "western society, only a warm who loved each other, will with death. But in vowed China this heavy fellowship society, love is more valued than friendship." This means that in Chinese culture, "friends" means you can trust each other, talk to each other, feeling deep relationship.
And the Chinese to than, western friends in the scope of the concept of more widely. For westerners, "friends" can be used to refer to childhood playmate, in the new place just understanding of a few days, close business partner, a deeply trusted friend, etc.
Friendship can be superficial, temporary can also is deep, for a long time. This is because the americans always free attitude, can easily make friends, anytime, anywhere.
Our dormitory
~Warm house~
Look look~~
I’m a beautiful girl~
A girl like sporting ~
What about me?
Yaping Yin
Xiuxiu Ni
Tingting Lan
I’m Dandan Kan.
Our contest
Pack dumpling contest
Drama contest
Photography contest
Civilization slogan design contest
Creazy Shopping~
Auld lang syne 友谊地久天长
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of