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控制合流制溢流治理水体黑臭的技术探讨 何雨豪.pdf

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控制合流制溢流治理水体黑臭的技术探讨 何雨豪.pdf

上传人:学习的一点 2022/4/2 文件大小:454 KB


控制合流制溢流治理水体黑臭的技术探讨 何雨豪.pdf



Applied Chemical Industry
ISSN 1671-3206,CN 61-1370/TQ

程措施如雨水花园、雨水塘、下沉式绿地、植草沟和绿色屋顶等,可削减 CSOs 排放量及其有机物、氮、磷含
量:过程治理是通过对老旧排水系统进行改造或清淤实现 CSOs 水量的减少和水质的提高;末端治理则是通过建造调
蓄池以及 CSOs 净化设施等减少对水体的污染。
关键词 合流制污水溢流、黑臭水体、海绵工程措施、调蓄池、水质净化
中图分类号 TQ033;X52;
Discussion on the technology of controlling black and odorous water body by
controlling confluence overflow
He Yuhao 1, Song Yuliang 2 , Zhang Baide 2, Zhang Zhenzhen2, Zhang Zhibin1, Xing Lizhen1✉
(1. School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China; 2. Weifang Municipal Engineering
Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Weifang 261000, China)
Abstract By analyzing the formation and water quality of Combined sewage overflows (CSOs), it is pointed out that CSOs
control is an important measure to control black and odorous water in cities. On this basis, the technical measures to contro l
CSOs are sorted out. The measures of controlling CSOs are divided into source treatment, process control and end treatment.
Source control can reduce CSOs emissions and organic matter, nitro