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文档介绍:高二上学期Unit 1—Unit 4
测试英语试卷 2006,10
第一卷(三部分,共 95分)
第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
( ) A. attitude B. patnal one.
A. rather than B. less than C. other than D. worse than
18.First of all, we should make a list of the names of those ______, and then I will begin to write the invitation cards.
A. to be invited B. to invite C. invited D. being invited
19.The question ______ at yesterday’s meeting hasn’t been made _______ yet.
A. discussing; known B. discussed; known
C. being discussed; known D. to be discussed; known
20.Seldom ______ any mistakes during his five years of service in the army, so he got the honor.
A. he would make B. would he make C. he made D. did he make
第二节: 完形填空(共20小题,,满分30分)
The house next door had been empty for so long that we had quite 21 what it was like to have neighbors. One day, however, a truck 22 near our front gate, and in a short time, tables, chairs, pictures and countless 23 things were heaped up by the roadside. A small car 24 out of which came a man, a woman and five children of 25 ages. The children laughed happily as the whole family went into the house. It was our first 26 to the Robinsons.
Though we became friends with our new neighbors, we were often made 27 by them. We lent them so many things that we never know whether 28 had been lost or borrowed. Our garden became an unsafe place; little boys 29 cowboys or fighters would jump up from behind-bushes, 30 wooden guns at us and order us to 31 . Even 32 were the arrows that occasionally came sailing 33 the garden fence.
34 we didn’t go in fear of our lives. The Robinsons were friendly and helpful and 35 we left our house for the holidays, we knew we had nothing to 36 so long as our neighbors were around. We understood what it was to have company in the long, friendless winter evening when Mrs Robinson would 37 for a cup of tea