文档介绍:I 摘要以简要文字介绍研究课题的意义、目标、方法及主要结果,中文摘要字数一般不少于200 字、不多于300 字。英文摘要应与中文摘要基本对应,英文摘要不少于 500 印刷字符。摘要一般是第三人称(如可以用“作者…”等字眼,但不能用“我…”等词)。摘要应具体且简单,不能笼统。例如“本文给出了一个算法”太笼统, “算法”前应加定语,用于什么的算法,给出算法的名称、特色、复杂度等。又如“研究了各种失效原因,并提出了改进办法。最后,本文获得了一种可靠办法,有效地解决了这一重大问题”太笼统,读了摘要还是不知所云。避免在摘要中出现公式、图表、参考文献的序号。一般用过去时态叙述作者工作,用现在时态叙述作者结论。【范例:】随着计算机技术和网络技术的飞速发展,网络在教育领域发挥越来越大的作用,产生了网络教学这一新的教学模式。本文在分析了台的开发现状的基础上,设计与实现了一个基于 J SP 技术的通用网络教学平台。该网络教学平台试图打破教师之间、课程之间的围墙,探索实现课程体系重构和知识管理的途径和方法;重新定义了课堂教学、网络教学平台、教师、学生等角色在教学活动中作用,突破了传统教育理念和教学管理模式的限制。该网络教学平台采用 MySQL 数据库,以 Myeclipse 为开发平台,以 JSP 为主要开发语言。关键词关键词是表述论文主题内容信息的单词或术语,关键词数量一般为 3-5个。【范例】关键词:网络教学平台, JSP , MySQL II Abstract With the development puter work technology , work plays more and more important role in the educational fields . This is the reason why this new educational model — ne tworking education model occurred . work teaching has broke n the limits of the traditional teaching space and time and had the huge impact on the tradition teaching of taking the classroom instruction as the core educational model . work teaching is regarded as an important development direction in the modem education . work teaching is developing thoroughly in university , but the teaching effect isnot entirely satisfactory . One of the most important reasons is lack ing of the hi gh quality work teaching platform . Based on the analysis of present situation work teaching management platform development in the domestic and foreign , this article has designed and realized work teaching platform using the J SP technology . This platform attempts to break the barriers between teachers and courses , explore the reconstruction of curriculum system and knowledge management and break the limits of traditional education notions and administration . It employs MySQL , Myeclipse and JSP . Keywords : network teaching platform , JSP , MySQL III 目录作为论文提纲,目录是论文各组成部分的小标题,文字应简明扼要。目录按论文顺序分章、节二级编写,要标明页数,以便阅读。章、节分别按华东理工大学毕业论文规范的要求标出。目录中的标题应与正文中的标题一致。【范例】目录 1 绪论…………………………………………………