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Chemistry is one of the foundation natural science ,which is the sharpen tool for people to kn科技论文翻译

Chemistry is one of the foundation natural science ,which is the sharpen tool for people to know the world and reform the world .Only when we observe and think attentively ,can we discover that knowledge of chemistry can be seen everywhere in our life .Substance in living environment ,some are natural like the water we drink ,the air we breathe :some are transformed from natural materials,like soy , , more substance synthetic by using chemical methods rather than natural ,such as chemical fertilizer, pesticide,plastic,synthetic fiber and so on .They have all sorts Of styles and exist everywhere ,which rich our life .
Therefor ,we can know that our life can’t depart from chemistry.
Now ,let me introduce three examples which can confirm that chemistry has close relationships with our life for you:
The first example:Aluminum is always regarded as non-toxic element ,so many things which are made by aluminum are largely ,recent years’s research confirms that aluminum can harass supersession of human body and slowly do harm to the hearth of people .What’s more ,the toxic it cause is not easily once toxic reaction happen ,the result will be ver


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